For anyone who’s followed me on social media would probably have seen my posts regarding my involvement with ReBar West End recently.
I had the awesome opportunity to sit on a panel called “How To Have A Rockin’ Real Estate Career (For Rookies)”. It was a hit. We had nearly 50 or so people and it was very engaging.
But that’s not the point of this post. The reason I’m writing this is because I learned something very important yesterday when I facilitated a panel called “Grow Your Community, Grow Your Business”. The panel was all about real estate agents who volunteer their time for their communities. It was an amazing group of panellists and created an awesome discussion.
One of the big things brought up was how do you get business from your volunteering. A heated discussion quickly arose… “Do you promote your business or give your time with out promoting your business?” The panellists and myself were on the side of not self promoting while a number of people in the audience said you should be promoting your business.
I’m going to go out on a limb and say I STRONGLY disagree with the audience members that spoke up. I whole heartedly believe that you should be giving for the sake of giving and THEN the business comes. If you go to volunteer and your primary objective is to get business from it, people will smell it on you! It has its own distinct smell… Kind of like olives and horse hair! 🙂 (Or something like that…)
If you are going to an event with the mindset of contribution people know. If you are going to an event with the mindset of expectation, people REALLY know!
I added in that it’s important that you choose an organization or cause that you are truly passionate about first, and commit to it. Putting in an hour a year at some event and wearing a branded shirt is not going to get you business. Put in an hour or two week and help grow the organisation and don’t promote your business, and I promise you your business will grow!
What do you think? I would love to get your feedback and opinions on this…
To you and your success,
Ryan Smith – Chief Content Creator