You won’t find any mind blowing new shiny next best thing type of advice in this post. This is going to be about the basics. I know, I know… it’s very easy to forget about the basics when things get busy. But it’s imperative to your business that you constantly go back to the basics and do what works.
I want to talk to you about the people already in your “circle”. Most of them ENJOY helping you… Sometimes it doesn’t seem that way if they haven’t sent you any referrals, but have you asked lately? What you may not realize is why people enjoy referring people. They do it because it makes them feel good. People like to play “connector”. They feel good when someone THEY recommended helps someone they know. So who should you be asking for business from?! Here are 3 groups of people who would be more than happy to help you grow your business!
1. Your existing goldmine – Have you asked your existing and past clients to refer you to some of their friends, family or coworkers? They more than likely know someone who may need your product or service! If they were happy with your business, why wouldn’t they trust you enough to send you to someone they know? A warm referral like that makes it so easy to convert to the lead into business.
2. Past coworker or employers – Your past professional life can be an excellent source of business. These people already know you, like you and trust you. Take them for coffee or dinner and catch up, but don’t forget to ask them for some business. Don’t be afraid to ask for business!
3. Current prospects – It may sound weird, but any potential leads you are already working on may also know someone who could use your help. Why not ask them who they know who could use your help. Give it a try and see what happen. Most would be happy to connect you with someone, especially if you have gone out of your way to help them and provide them great service so far.
If you can make it easy for these people to refer you, they will not only enjoy doing it, but will also do it more often. When you learn to ask your circle to refer you, you are helping yourself, helping them by enabling them to help you and are helping any potential clients they refer by providing your excellent service or providing them with a quality product they could use. Just remember to refer any potential clients to your inner circle as well.
To you and your success,
Ryan Smith